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Publishing Open Access

Publishing Open Access means that researchers choose to publish in open, qulity assured books and journals, which are available free of charge online. Publishing expenses are either covered by the researcher, or by the organisation who is funding the research, such as UiO or the EU.

Publishing an Open Access article

  1. Find a journal which is relevant to you:

  2. In the DBH publication channels you should also check if the journal counts in the financing system for scientific publications. The journals in DBH are also quality assured.

  3. Check whether the journal requires a publication fee (APC, Article Publishing Charge), and that you have cost coverage for this. It can be in the form of

  4. Complete the process by archiving your article.

Publishing an Open Access chapter

Are you contributing to an Open Access anthology? The editor will already have insured that the publisher and publication is legitimate. Here are a few things which need to be in place:

  1. Is the publishing house listed in The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)? The DOAB lists legitimate publishing houses who publish open books.
  2. Read up on the publisher in the DBHs publication channels to ensure that it counts in the financing system for scientific publications. The publishers in DBH are quality assured.

  3. Remember to read the contract carefully so that you do not give up any rights you wish to keep!

Publishing an Open Access book

Publishing Open Access books is less common than publishing Open Access articles. A lot of publishers have now established solutions for publishing Open Access books, and the number of publications is increasing.

To do before publishing:

  1. The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) lists legitimate publishers who publish open books. Universitetsforlaget ("The University Press") and Cappelen Akademisk in Norway, have solutions for Open Access publishing.
  2. Read up on the publisher in the DBHs publication channels to ensure that it counts in the financing system for scientific publications. The publishers in DBH are quality assured.

  3. Remember to read the contract carefully so that you do not give up any rights you wish to keep! 

Discounted APC agreements

UiO has entered into agreements with individual publishers which offer discounts for Open Access publishing.


When publishing open access, a sharing license is often used that regulates the conditions for using and sharing the published material. Creative Commons (CC) licenses are among the most widely used sharing licenses. Read more in our information on the different CC-licenses.

Avoid predatory publishers

In recent years we have seen several occurrances of predatory publishers scamming researchers, by demanding a publishing fee for articles which are published without being peer reviewed. We have put together a list of characteristics of predatory publishers, and suggestions on how to avoid being scammed.

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Published Apr. 12, 2011 10:34 AM - Last modified Feb. 1, 2024 1:39 PM