

SciFinder-n (Chemical Abstracts, Medline m.m.)

This database  is only available for employees and students at UiO.

SciFinder gives full access to the whole Chemical Abstracts literturedatabase, CAS Registry file (Chemical substances), CAS React (Chemical reactions)  and Medline.

SciFinder-n - Log-in for registered users
New users of SciFinder - register here

To get access to the web version, each user has to register and create their own username and password.
NB! During the registration each user has to inform about their own UiO mailadress. No other mailadress is accepted by the system. This is to verify that you are a student or an employee at UiO.
After the registration you will receive a message from CAS in your UiO mailbox asking you to confirm the registration within 48 hours.
After the registration you can access SciFinder via the link above: SciFinder-n - Log-in for registered users with your own username and password.

Remember to "logout" from the system when you are finished.

Quick start guide to SciFinder-n

Rules for use/CAS Info policy

For access outside campus

You can also access:


Methods now


If you need some help, please send a mail to Tone C. Gadmar


Publisert 29. sep. 2010 09:47 - Sist endret 15. mars 2021 14:41