Nettsider med emneord «visual navigation»

Touch applications
Publisert 11. juni 2018 12:31

Members of the Visual Navigation Project have contributed to the development of 10 touch screen applications and the extension of the emnesøk subject search tool. This page summarizes these applications.

Publisert 30. nov. 2017 17:54

In November 2017, we attended a conference built around the intriguing term BIG VIDEO. For the Visual Navigation Project, this conference provided rich inspiration for integrating contextual video materials in collection-exploration tools.

Publisert 28. sep. 2017 17:51

This post summarizes our visit to the NFF Interactive: Storyspace symposium, taking on the question "What is real?" in the current society surrounded by digital technologies, as well as current tactics and strategies to cope with it.

Publisert 22. juni 2017 15:27

On the first day of the VIRAK conference, the Visual Navigation Group hosted a workshop called "Inspirational Journeys – challenges and solutions for visual navigation of library resources". The objective of this workshop was to foster interactive discussions about how users can explore and interact with library materials. We had two distinguished guests from North Carolina State University, Mike Nutt and Walt Gurley, who showed us how libraries can look and function if you push visualization to its limits.

Publisert 13. jan. 2017 18:31

Evidently, visualizing books is a pivotal goal of the Visual Navigation Project. In the last weeks of December, we have created an initial infrastructure for enriched book data. The past weeks, we have explored ways to visualize book records of the University of Oslo Library.

Library interaction
Publisert 9. nov. 2016 18:57

Since January 2015, academic libraries in Norway are making use of Oria, a catalog based on the ExLibris Primo software. Within Oria, various user actions, such as searches and clicks on search filters are captured over time, and statistical data can be accessed via Primo Analytics. This wealth of data provides new opportunities to analyze user interaction with current library catalogs, and to potentially improve the access to library collections.

In an exploratory study within the Visual Navigation Project, we have analyzed the log data available of the library catalog of the University of Oslo. In particular, we looked at two datasets: the most popular queries (between January 2015 and September 2016), and the “zero-result” queries, i.e. the queries for which searches did not get any results (between August 2015 and September 2016).