Facts in English

What is Humord?

Humord is the name of a Norwegian thesaurus for the subject areas humanities and social sciences. The thesaurus is in Norwegian and English. Humord is also the name of a joint indexing activity.

Participants are the university libraries of Oslo, Bergen, Nord, OsloMet, Tromsø and the Norwegian university of Life Sciences, the library of The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies, the library at The Nobel Institute, The National Museum's library, the library at Volda University College, the library at Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Stavanger Museum library, the Storting library, the library at Molde University College, the library at The Directorate of Integration and Diversity.


Facts about the thesaurus

Subject coverage

The thesaurus is mainly based upon the literary warrant in the participating libraries and covers the humanities and social sciences with associated disciplines.

Thesaurus structure

The thesaurus is based upon guidelines in ISO 25964-1. The structure is basically hierarchical with some use of facets.


As of April 2024, the Humord thesaurus includes approximately 26.000 concepts and more than 95.000 terms.

The indexing terms are single concepts for post-coordination. 



Publisert 27. nov. 2018 13:26 - Sist endret 24. apr. 2024 14:25