Procedure for defibrillator in Georg Sverdrups hus

As a general rule, individuals should be trained to use a defibrillator, but if an accident occurs, the machine will provide verbal instructions on how to proceed.


The procedure ensures that training is provided in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and that the defibrillator, placed at the desk on the 1st floor of the Humanities and Social Sciences Library in Georg Sverdrups hus, is regularly checked and maintained.

Range of application

This procedure describes storage, control and maintenance of the defibrillator, but does not cover its use. This is covered by a separate course in the use of defibrillators.


The Section Manager for Learning environment and user experience at the Humanities and Social Sciences Library has overall responsibility for ensuring that the Library's defibrillator is stored, controlled and maintained. The Section Manager is also responsible for ensuring that training in the use of the defibrillator is offered.


The defibrillator is placed in a clearly marked and easily accessible drawer at the desk and is available throughout the library's opening hours. Several people have been trained in the use of the defibrillator. Designated individuals have been given the responsibility to check and log the status weekly, and to report any maintenance needs. The Section Manager for Learning Environment and User Experience should be notified well in advance of the battery's expiry date.

Status is checked by making sure that the battery indicator is blinking green. The indicator is visible through the casing.

Display på hjertestarter
Battery check: Status is OK if the indicator flashes green.

If the indicator does not flash green

Try to remove the battery completely and put it back in. Turn the defibrillator around and remove the battery by pulling on the green rubber flap sticking out at the bottom.

Battery expiration date

Contact the Section Manager for Learning Environment and User Experience at least six months before the battery's expiration date, so a new one can be ordered.

Bakside av hjertestarter med utløpsdato på batteri
Expiration date of the battery.

If the defibrillator has been used

If the defibrillator has been used to deliver shocks, it should undergo a check that includes analysis and replacement of electrodes. Contact the Section Manager to arrange this. Remember to report the incident in the HSE non-compliance system, CIM. If maintenance is required, information about the serial number should be provided; this can be found on the back of the defibrillator.


The defibrillator is registered in Hjertestarterregisteret (

Published Nov. 20, 2023 4:35 PM - Last modified Nov. 20, 2023 4:55 PM