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Week 17: The Libraries' Sustainability Week

Week 17 marks the international campaign Libraries' Sustainability Week, and the University Library is of course involved!

Glass globe on green background

Week 17

Week 17 is chosen as the Libraries' sustainability week because the UN has 17 sustainability goals, and goal number 17 is about working together to achieve these goals. On the Norwegian Library Association's website for week 17, it is stated that "the UN's sustainability goals must form the basis of all social and spatial development in the coming years, and libraries are an important player in achieving the goals". We at the University Library completely agree with this, which is why we are a part of this campaign and are focusing on sustainability week in several ways.

Events and exhibitions

  • On 23 April we have an event in collaboration with Green Office at Scene HumSam: Make your own kitchen garden! Here you get everything you need in terms of equipment to grow your own food, in a simple, economical and not least environmentally friendly way. The Science Library's Tone Charlotte Gadmar has many years of experience with growing her own produce and will share her cultivation competence with you. The event is open to everyone.
  • On 23 April there will also be Litterært pusterom (Literary respite), and on the occasion of Week 17, this time it will be out "in the green", i.e. the lawn outside Villa Eika. The humanist university chaplain reads texts that can lead to conversation about both the enjoyment of nature and ecological care. Welcome to an extra sustainable Litterært pusterom, open to all students!
  • Frøbiblioteket (the seed library) is a collaboration with Green Office, and is available to all students and staff at UiO who wishes to begin or expand on their journey as hobby gardeners – and contribute to increased biodiversity in our city.
  • Throughout the week, there will be a table with recycled books at the entrance to the HumSam library. Here there will be a wide selection of books in need of new homes. The tables are replenished with new books every morning, so feel free to visit more than once!
  • In addition, there are several exhibitions around the libraries during Week 17, including an exhibition at the Law Library, with relevant literature highlighting different sustainability perspectives from a legal angle.

We wish you all a sustainable week 17, and hope you will visit both events and exhibitions! Welcome!

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Published Apr. 18, 2024 12:50 PM - Last modified July 2, 2024 4:09 PM