CANCELLED: Carpentry Workshop: Databases and SQL

A one day hands-on workshop to learn the principles of databases and SQL. The workshop will go through important episodic lesson materials with accompanying exercises using the SQLite query language and database system. SQLite is very similar to other query languages such as MySql, PostGres, Oracle, so the knowledge gained from this workshop can be used over a broad scope.


Sign-up deadline: June 5th, 2024 

Sign up

Course information


Kyrre Traavik LĂ„bergEspen Rosenquist


  • Introduction to relational databases

  • Selecting data

  • Sorting and Removing duplicates

  • Filtering

  • Calculation
  • Dealing with missing data
  • Aggregation, such as sums and averages
  • Combining data from multiple tables
  • Data hygiene, how to best structure your database
  • Creating, exporting, importing, and modifying data

Learning outcomes

Knowledge of what relational databases are and why they are useful for researchers. Learners will leave the workshop with the skills to use a graphical user interface (similar to Excel), write queries to find, input, change, import, and export data to and from a database, and design a database to best fit their data

Target audience

Anyone interested in learning SQL and using databases in their academic studies, research, or work


1) Computer where you have administrative access 

2) Install the graphical user interface DB Browser and see that it starts

3) Download the sample database we will use in the workshop


  • There are no knowledge prerequisites but required material setup (see above)
  • Abiding the Carpentries Code of Conduct

  • Being aware that this workshop focuses on the basics of programming in examples and exercises and is not meant for experienced programmers


If there are questions related to installation and testing of the software packages needed, feel free to ask us via email at

After the soft deadline, a waiting list will be automatically handled upon de-registrations.

If we receive more sign-ups than our capacity allows, priority is given to UiO/OUS staff and students.


If you are interested in other Carpentry@UiO workshops, please visit

Published Mar. 5, 2024 2:15 PM - Last modified June 5, 2024 10:46 AM