Intro to Linux shell and to Computing resources available for researchers

This course is especially suitable to new researchers or students trying to understand computational/data analysis options available at UiO and in general. It won’t go into anything too deep but will provide you with a good background for your next steps to use the resources: you will know the general types of resources you can use for computing, and be able to take the next steps.

Course goals and format

This course is a general introduction to computing resources available to researchers at the University of Oslo, suitable as an introduction to any researcher doing somewhat computational or data-intensive work now or in the future.

It consists of two parts:

  • Computing resources: What is available for you, when to use them and for which purpose. It starts with a lecture on general introduction and continues with institute-specific part.
  • Basic Linux shell introduction: Shell is essential to use some of the computing resources and useful to efficiently conduct data-intensive work.

This is a new model of collaborative online course initiated by Aalto University, Finland. A joint presentation is given to several universities, with a separate local discussion about local practicalities. Register from the link at the bottom to attend the UiO-specific discussion room.

More information on the course content here.

Software requirements

No special software is required. But, you may be interested in getting access to a bash shell for the “Basic Linux shell” portion. See workshop preparation.


Please connect 10 minutes early for icebreakers and introductions. 

  • 11:00 - 11:45 Computing resources - General introduction (by Twitch) followed by institute specific discussion (in a separate Zoom room for registered UiO participants)
  • 11:45 - 12:00 Break
  • 12:00 - 12:45 Introduction to Linux shell (by Twitch)
  • 12:45 - 13:00 Q&A


The workshop will be held online. All the parts are streamed by at at the CodeRefinery channel.  

UiO-specific contents of "Computing resources" will be presented and discussed using Zoom. The link will be provided to registered and accepted participants.


If you intend to follow the stream only, you don't have to register.

If you would like to join in the Zoom session to know UiO-specific computing resources, please register by Thursday 28th January 12:00.

Tags: HPC, Linux, Shell
Published Jan. 21, 2021 7:21 PM - Last modified July 2, 2021 10:32 AM