Online CodeRefinery Workshop

Join us for the CodeRefinery workshop September 19-21, and 26-28 from 9:00-13:30, via Zoom!

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Course goals

Join us to become familiar with tools and best practices for scientific software development!

The course will introduce you to the essential tools you need to do programming well and avoid common inefficiency traps. The tools CodeRefinery teaches are practically a requirement for any scientist who needs to write code. We will be mainly focusing on Git for version control, efficiency and maintaining research software.

Join to level up your coding skills and revolutionize the way you approach software development in your research!

For more details and schedule, see the CofeRefinery September 2023 workshop page.


This is an informal and interactive event with type-along lessons, live coding, and exercises. 


Register here

There is no deadline and you are welcome to register and join even after the event started. You can attend just those days or sessions you want but please register anyway.


Tags: CodeRefinery, Workshop, Git, Open Science, Reproducibility, Programming, Programmering, Computing
Published Feb. 2, 2023 10:36 AM - Last modified Aug. 29, 2023 9:14 AM