EndNote for medicine and sciences

This course gives an introduction to the reference management software EndNote.

Image may contain: Human body, Rectangle, Slope, Gesture, Art.

Learning outcomes:

After attending the course you will be able to:

  • Build your personal EndNote library
  • Import references from PubMed and medical bibliographic databases
  • Import pdfs, single files and folders
  • Organize and manage references: sort, identify duplicates, edit, delete, update, groups and group sets, smart groups
  • Apply the references into your word documents
  • Generate reference lists in different formats: Vancouver, APA and others


Practical information

The course focuses on version 20 for Windows

Participation requires access to your own PC. EndNote and word must be installed, see information.

 All demonstrations will be on Windows for PC. You can follow the course on Mac. If you bring your own Mac, please make sure your software is updated (http://endnote.com/product-details/compatibility).

The course requires basic skills in Windows/macOS and Word.

Working methods:

Demonstrations and practical exercises. The course is held in Zoom.

Target group:

International researchers, staff and students at the University of Oslo, and Oslo University Hospital.


If you have any questions about this course, please contact us: umed-kurspaamelding@ub.uio.no

Published Dec. 28, 2022 8:00 AM - Last modified July 3, 2023 9:34 AM