Norwegian version of this page

Critical appraisal of articles

The high yearly production of scientific literature results in difficult decisions: which of the many studies should we trust? The aim of the course is to equip you with knowledge and skills to critically appraise methodological quality of an article.


Time and place: , Zoom

The high yearly production of scientific literature results in difficult decision: which of the many studies should we trust? The aim of the course is to equip you with knowledge and skills to critically appraise methodological quality of an article.

Time and place: , Zoom

The high yearly production of medical literature results in difficult decision: which of the many studies should we trust? The aim of the course is to equip you with knowledge and skills to critically appraise methodological quality of an article.

Time and place: , Zoom

The high yearly production of medical literature results in difficult decision: which of the many studies should we trust? The aim of the course is to equip you with knowledge and skills to critically appraise methodological quality of an article.

Time and place: , Zoom

The high yearly production of medical literature results in difficult decision: which of the many studies should we trust? The aim of the course is to equip you with knowledge and skills to critically appraise methodological quality of an article.

Time and place: , Zoom

The high yearly production of medical literature results in difficult decision: which of the many studies should we trust? The aim of the course is to equip you with knowledge and skills to critically appraise methodological quality of an article.

Time and place: , Zoom

The high yearly production of medical literature results in difficult decision: which of the many studies should we trust? The aim of the course is to equip you with knowledge and skills to critically appraise methodological quality of an article.

Time and place: , Zoom

Kurset gir kunnskap og praktiske ferdigheter i å kritisk vurdere ulike typer studier.

Time and place: , Zoom

Kurset gir kunnskap og praktiske ferdigheter i å kritisk vurdere ulike typer studier.

Time and place: , Zoom

Kurset gir kunnskap og praktiske ferdigheter i å kritisk vurdere ulike typer studier.