Systematic literature searching for medicine and health

This course provides a methodical and practical introduction to systematic literature searches.

Learning outcomes

After attending this course you will know how to:

  • Convert a research question into a search strategy
  • Find search terms
  • Construct a systematic search strategy
  • Document search strategies so that they can be reproduced
  • Handle the search results


Recommended knowledge

  • You have some experience with literature searching.

Course methods

  • The course provides a methodical and practical introduction to systematic literature search, with lecture, demonstration and practical exercises.
  • We use the databases MEDLINE, Embase or APA PsycInfo from Ovid.
  • You are working on your own research question.
  • There are computers available (UiO-log in), but you are also welcome to bring your own.

Target audience

This course is aimed at topics and methods used in medicine and health. It is particularly relevant for students and employees at Oslo University Hospital, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry, in addition to the Department of Pharmacy and the Department of Psychology. Researchers and students working on health related topics at other faculties and departments, e.g. educational sciences and informatics, may also benefit from the course.  

Number of places

Maximum 12. A minimum of 5 registered participants is required to run the course.

Organisers and course instructors


Published Jan. 20, 2024 10:10 AM - Last modified Jan. 20, 2024 10:10 AM