Norwegian version of this page

NVivo for Qualitative Analysis

NVivo is a powerful tool for organizing and structuring your material for qualitative analysis. Learn how to code and retrieve in NVivo and get an introduction to useful NVivo functionalities.


Time and place: , GSH: DSC-Oasen 1302 (1st floor, HumSam library)

NVivo is a complex software for qualitative research that can be used to code text, sound, image, and video.

Time and place: , GSH: LINKEN

This workshop is for those who want to learn more about coding, classifying, querying, and visualizing material in a range of formats in NVivo.

Time and place: , GSH: LINKEN

NVivo is a complex software for qualitative research that can be used to code text, sound, image, and video.

Time and place: , GSH: LINKEN

This workshop is for those who want to learn more about coding, classifying, querying, and visualizing material in a range of formats in NVivo.