Workshop on Archiving in DataverseNO

Join our hands-on workshop on archiving in the University of Oslo's general data archive, DataverseNO.

Learn how to effectively archive your research data in an open and accessible manner.

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About DataverseNO

DataverseNO is a national, generic data archive operated at The Arctic University of Norway (UiT). It is a curated data archive supporting the FAIR principles and certified as a trusted repository with CoreTrustSeal. Powered by the Dataverse software from Harvard, it's used globally for data archives.

Key features:

  • Sharing and Preservation: Dataverse facilitates data accessibility, enhancing collaboration and replication of research.
  • Citing and Visibility: Using Dataverse earns academic credit and web visibility for datasets, boosting recognition.
  • Organization and Exploration: Dataverse collections organize datasets, simplifying management and exploration.
  • Metadata and Documentation: Each Dataverse dataset includes descriptive metadata, data files, documentation, and code.

Learning outcomes

  • Learn about the advantages of archiving research data and open sharing.
  • Gain skills in documenting and creating readme files for your research data.
  • Learn how to upload your datasets to the DataverseNO platform.
  • Discover how to effectively fill out metadata for your datasets.
  • Understand how to obtain a DOI for your dataset and properly cite your data.
  • Familiarize yourself with versioning techniques within DataverseNO.


All attendees should have research data they wish to prepare for open sharing. Consult the data archiving web pages or contact if you have questions.

Target audience

PhDs, PosDocs, and other researchers who would like to openly archive research data in the DataverseNO UiO collection.

Required Materials 

In addition to a laptop, the participant will need a dataset to work on.


The worskhop takes place on-site at the University of Oslo Library and delivered by Digital Scholarship Center.

Contact Information

Maria Elisa Pierfederici |
Open Research and Digital Scholarship Centre, University of Oslo Library


Published Aug. 18, 2023 11:52 AM - Last modified Mar. 13, 2024 7:05 AM