Gender Studies - Library course - master

Welcome to library course in advanced searching for literature in your master project. 

How to conduct literature searches to map the research done on a topic? How to assess sources you find when you search?

In this course we learn how to get the most out of the library's discovery tool Oria and databases we subscribe to that are relevant to your field. We learn how to do advanced searches by use of search techniques as boolean terms (AND, OR, NOT), keywords and subject headings. We also go through some of the most important things to keep in mind while assessing the literature.

Learning outcomes

After attending the course, you will:

Be familiar with the most central literature databases in gender studies

Be familiar with subject headings within gender studies

Know of search techniques that will make your searches more effective and accurate

Be able to perform subject searches and citation searches in different databases.

Working methods

Lecture with practical case examples and guided individual searching

Time and place

No upcoming courses 

Target group

The course is intended for the masterstudents in gender studies.

Subject Specialist Marianne Inez Lien

Library page for students of Gender Research

Published May 6, 2013 12:21 PM - Last modified Mar. 7, 2024 10:44 AM