Medicine (MED5600) - Library course for exchange students - Module 6

Introduction to library use for exchange students attending 9th semester Medicine. The aim of the course is to get to know services and resources available through the Medical library. The course has a duration of one hour.

Learning outcomes

After the course you'll be able to:

  • use the online library catalogue to locate, order, reserve books and renew loans
  • find a specific book on the shelf or in electronic version
  • find books on a certain subject on the shelf
  • access and get print-outs of electronic articles

Working methods

We will walk you around the library and demonstrate how the literature is organized on the shelves, and how you may locate the material you want by using the computers in the library.

Target group

Exchange students attending Module 6 - MED5600 Medicine


Medical Library staff

Published May 6, 2013 12:53 PM - Last modified July 12, 2016 10:57 AM