PECOS 4021 - Political Science 4020A - Library course - master

You will learn about the library services for master students. How to find your way through the jungle of information, in time for the exam.

Learning outcomes

  • Library service
  • Information and how to find what you are looking for
  • The core literature to your problem of discussion
  • Relevant journal databases
  • References and bibliographies

Working methods

We will start with an introduction. After this, the students will work independently or in small groups. We try to keep an informal tone throughout the course, and all kinds of library related questions will be tolerated. The focus will be kept on the students abilities to find relevant information, and best practice in the use of library services.

Target group

The course is for the masterstudents in PECOS/ political science. The students should take a walk in the library prior to the course, and look at central places like

  • the periodicals collection at the ground floor
  • the scientific literature collection at the dewey groups 320 political science and 900 history at the first floor
  • reference collection of the first floor (in norwegian; the second floor) (H2016: K311)

The students should also have som experience in looking up books from Oria.


Ragnhild Sundsbak

Library page for PECOS students

Published May 6, 2013 12:57 PM - Last modified Feb. 12, 2023 1:47 AM