Cancelled: Open Research - key concepts with emphasis on Open Access

Open research is the new normal, but how to navigate this landscape? This course will help you map out some key concepts by giving you an introduction to UiO policies, infrastructure, and support for open research, with a focus on open publishing.

Learning outcomes

After attending the course you will:

  • Have knowledge of key Open Research principles
  • Know how to publish through UiO's Open Access agreements using tools as Kanalregisteret and the library's web pages
  • Know how to avoid predatory and questionable publishers, using tools as Kanalregisteret, Directory of Open Access Journals and Think-Check-Submit
  • Know how to self-archive in DUO Research Archive, including which article version to upload
  • Know how UiO's Rights Retention Policy works for you
  • Have knowledge of the library infrastructure and services for open research


Working methods:

Presentation and demonstration of how to use relevant tools for Open Access. 

Target group:

Primarily PdD candidates and post docs at the Faculty of Social Science.


Johanna Skaug and Elin Frøshaug from the Open Research team at the University Library

Published Jan. 18, 2023 10:42 AM - Last modified Mar. 15, 2024 1:09 PM