Zotero for Research Annotation

Learn to use Zotero for research annotation, note management, and how to use the Zotero Integration for Obsidian.

Image may contain: Human body, Rectangle, Slope, Gesture, Art.

Learning outcomes

In this workshop you will start learning how to:

  • use Zotero's built-in PDF viewer to annotate research literature (highlight, snapshot passages, tag sections based on topic, add margin/sticky notes to the text)
  • write, store and import your research notes to Zotero
  • navigate your notes and annotations in an efficient way
  • generate reports to summarize your notes
  • use Zotero with the note-taking software Obsidian


By e-mail to s.n.baldari@ub.uio.no. Priority is given to PhD candidates and post-doctoral fellows from the Faculty of Theology. 

Practical information

If you have not installed or used Zotero before, please arrive at 12:00 for a brief introduction to Zotero for reference management.

Working methods

Workshop with guided exercises. Languages: English and Norwegian.

Target group

PhD candidates at the Faculty of Theology. 


Pål Magnus Lykkja

Serena Baldari


For help and questions about Zotero, you can reach us and our entire Zotero team at zotero-guru@ub.uio.no.   

Published Apr. 16, 2024 12:07 PM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2024 12:41 PM