Zotero for medicine and sciences

This course gives an introduction to the reference management software Zotero. The course is held in Zoom.

Learning outcomes

After attending the course you will be able to:

  • Install software and plugin
  • Create an account
  • Build your personal reference library in Zotero
  • Import references from PubMed and other relevant scientific databases
  • Import pdfs: single files and folders
  • Organize ad manage references:  sort, identify duplicates, edit, delete, create collections and subcollections
  • Apply references into your word documents
  • Generate reference lists in different formats: Vancouver APA7th and others


Working methods

Demonstration and practical exercises. The course is held in Zoom.

Target group

International researchers, staff and students at the University og Oslo, and Oslo University Hospital


It can be useful to have a look at UiOs guidance in advance of the course: Get started with Zotero


Staff at Library of medicine and science



Published Aug. 1, 2022 12:00 PM