Open Access Week 2022

Join us for a series of events during the Open Access Week and learn about open research, open publishing, and data sharing!

International Open Access Week, October 24-30, 2022 - Open for Climate Justice

Open Access Week events

Monday 24th - Friday 28th October

As part of this year's Open Access Week, several Norwegian academic libraries present a series of events with topics related to open publishing, open science, and data sharing. All events are digital and are open to anyone interested.

Here you can find the full program for the Open Access Week events in Norway and a link to each event.


Monday 24th October

10:00-11:30: Åpen publisering av søkestrategier

Link to the event here.

13:30-15:00: DataverseNO workshop: 

Link coming

Tuesday 25th October

10:00-11:30: Panelsamtale om publiseringskostnader: Hvem skal betale for åpen tilgang?

Link to the event here.

Wednesday 26th October

10:00-11:30: Conducting open research

Link to the event here.

12:30-13:45 Åpne, men usynlige? Hvordan kan vi gjøre åpen klimaforskning mer tilgjengelig?

Link to the event here.

13:00-14:30 Reproducible research workflows: Learn about tools and practices for more reproducible and effective research

Link to the course here.

Thursday 27th October

10:00-11:30: The Road to Open Access

Link to the event here

Link to the recording of the event here.

12:00-13:00: Open Science Lunch: Enabling reuse of non-digital data

Link to the event here.

14:00-15:00: Riot Science Club: Open music research between art and science

Link to the registration here.

Friday 28th October

10:00-11:30 The Rise of the Data Stewards

Link to the event here.

Tags: Open Access Week, #OpenForClimateJustice
Published Oct. 3, 2022 1:38 PM - Last modified Mar. 11, 2024 11:04 AM