InterAct: Discover the Undiscovered

This quarter-day workshop is suitable for anyone who wants to conduct  research and analysis on video or audio material. The workshop will  teach you how to use InterAct to get the most of your audio and video file observations, and how to best discover and communicate behavioral associations and interaction patterns in your data. 


This workshop will present and teach participants how to: 

  1. Get the most of your observations:
    • Create new Codes based on your observations (Co-occurrences, Contingencies, Pre- and postevents)
    • Identify complex behavior from a combination of simple Codes
  2. Discovering behavioral associations & interaction patterns:
    • Uncover the invisible through intelligent data analysis
    • Smart data merging of and Codes, pre- and post-event analysis, data restructuring, Co-occurrences, Contingencies, Create pattern segments, statistical analysis, and sequence analysis
    • Visualize behavior before and after an intervention as well as all overlaps between two classes in the State-Space-Grid
    • Combine separate routines into a single Workflow that any user can execute.
    • User the power of Python to run any of the available analysis routines – short key-click
    • Samples of predefined implementations for observation (coding) systems like PLATO but also the availability of coding systems
    • WOW, Showing a moving State-Space-Grid, showing a box-plot from the Python-based analysis. 

Learning outcomes

Become familiar with InterAct and what opportunities you as a researcher have to work with text and inductive coding of video or audio files.



Target audience

Suitable for anyone who wants to analyze video or audio material, by using text or inductive coding.

Required Materials 




Bjørn Sverre Gulheim and Petra Mangold
Published Dec. 9, 2022 1:18 PM - Last modified Dec. 14, 2022 10:03 AM