InterAct: Working with Text Inside InterAct and Inductive Coding

This quarter-day workshop will introduce you to InterAct and familiarize you with the opportunities available to work with text and inductive coding of video and/or audio files. 


This workshop will present and teach participants how to: 

  1. Perform transcriptions with InterAct:
    • Sentence-based transcriptions with Speaker information
    • Extraction of Speaker turns (by merging the repetitive 'Speaker' information if more sentences were spoken)
    • Identify interruptions
    • Word count per session
  2. Inductive coding:
    • Add Codes to transcriptions
    • Transform specific / often used Words into Codes
  3. Import external data:
    • Import ELAN data
    • Import any files
    • Transform data in Excel to make it INTERACT compatible (for incidental imports or creating a test case)

Learning outcomes

Become familiar with InterAct and what opportunities you as a researcher have to work with text and inductive coding of video or audio files.



Target audience

Suitable for anyone who wants to do research and analysis on video or audio material.

Required Materials 



Published Dec. 9, 2022 1:18 PM - Last modified Jan. 10, 2023 9:57 AM