Quarto - Next generation R Markdown

Quarto is the next generation of R Markdown, and has been re-built from the ground up to support more languages and environments. This workshop will focus on Quarto using R and RStudio.


Quarto is the next generation of R Markdown, and has been re-built from the ground up to support more languages and environments. While Quarto is a “new” system, it’s important to note that it’s highly compatible with what’s come before in R Markdown. Unlike R Markdown, Quarto doesn’t require or depend on R. Quarto was designed to be multilingual, beginning with R, Python, Javascript, and Julia, with the idea that it will work even for languages that don’t yet exist. Author documents as plain text markdown or Jupyter notebooks, using a variety of tools including RStudio, VS Code, Jupyter Lab, or any notebook or text editor you like. Now is a great time to start learning Quarto, and will likely be of benefit to your future use, even if you progress into using another computing language.

Learning outcomes

  • Be able to understand the basics of Quarto.
  • Be able to create reports, slides, online books, and webpages.
  • Understanding of languages that can be used with Quarto and which IDE's are especially well-suited.
  • Know where to look for more information on how to use Quarto.


The workshop is suited for novice to expert R users. No experience with using RStudio is required. The workshop welcomes intermediate and advanced users of other languages to attend.

Code examples will be provided to create reports, but explanation of the R code it self is not the main instructional part. While the focus is on R and RStudio, more knowledgeable users in other languages may be able to explicate to their language and IDE of preference as we work. The instructor will be available to answer Quarto questions, while not know other languages well.

Target audience

Research Assisgtans, Students, PhDs, Post-Docs, and Researchers in any field that use programming in their work and generate reports (scientific, personal etc).

Required Materials 

In addition to a Laptop, the participant is required to have installed Quarto, one of R/python/js/Julia installed, and one of RStudio/Vs Code


Published Dec. 9, 2022 1:19 PM - Last modified Dec. 9, 2022 1:19 PM