Sustainable Authorship in Plain Text using Pandoc and Markdown

This half-day workshop will introduce you to Sustainable Authorship, meaning how to produce content (e.g. scientific articles) in a transparent way using openly available tools, simple interfaces, and common standards. 


Plain Text is a text written in a simple text editor without needing WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) functionality. In this workshop, you will learn the basics of Markdown: an often-used, widely available, easy-to-read and write markup syntax for plain text. You will also learn how to use Pandoc, a commonly available command line tool that converts plain text into several formatted file types: PDF, .docx, HTML, LaTeX, slide decks, and more. The goal of the workshop is to enable you to write (scientific) articles in Markdown, including the use of references and figures.

Learning outcomes

  • Be able to explain the benefits of Sustainable Authorship in Plain Text.

  • Be able to write text in Markdown, including the use of the most common forms of formatting.

  • Be able to add citations to scientific articles in their Markdown text.

  • Be able to convert a text written in Markdown to other formats, such as PDF and .docx, using Pandoc.

  • Be aware of the possibilities of integrating this way of writing and publishing with related tools, such as version control, and bibliographic tools.


Basic knowledge of the command line/Unix shell is beneficial but not absolutely necessary.

Target audience

Researchers at all stages of their careers interested in learning about authoring in plain text.

Required Materials 

Users need a laptop with a general-purpose plain text editor, e.g., Atom (all platforms) and Notepad++ (Windows only), and a command line terminal. Participants will have to install Pandoc, and preferably also LaTeX. 

Instructions will be provided in advance.


Published Dec. 9, 2022 1:19 PM - Last modified Dec. 22, 2022 2:03 PM