WORKSHOP TODAY POSTPONED : The Unix shell: tips and tricks to make your life easier

In this workshop we will make use of, and expand our collective knowledge of the Unix shell by sharing commands, shortcuts, etc. amongst the participants.


The Unix shell provides a command line user interface for Unix-like operating systems. The shell is both an interactive command language and a scripting language. With the shell, it is possible to manage files and folders, execute simple commands, interact with supercomupters to invoke complicated programs like climate modeling software and much, much more.

The basic aspects of using the Unix shell can be taught in a few hours (for example, by participating in a Carpentry@UiO Unix shell workshop). However, one particular aspect of the Unix shell is that there is so much to learn about it. There are many tricks and shortcuts that can help you to become more efficient. It is not uncommon for two long-time Unix shell users to be surprised that they still can learn a trick or two from each other.

In this workshop we will make use of, and expand our collective knowledge of the Unix shell by sharing commands, shortcuts, etc. amongst the participants. The instructors will show a few of their favourite ways of making use of the shell. After that, all participants are invited to share their tricks and tips. The goal is that *every* participant will learn *at least* one new thing.

Learning outcomes

  • Use the Unix shell more efficiently


A basic understanding of the Unix shell (for example, having taken a Carpentry@UiO Unix shell workshop). It is beneficial, but not required, to have some experience of using the shell for your work.

Target audience

Researchers at all stages of their career, in any field of research. We hope participants are willing to share their Unix shell-tips!

Required Materials 



Published Dec. 9, 2022 1:19 PM - Last modified Jan. 10, 2023 1:39 PM