Open Access Week 2023

Join us for a series of events during the Open Access Week and learn about open research, open publishing, and data sharing!

Open Access Week events

Monday 23rd - Friday 27th of October

October 23th to 29th is International Open Access Week and the 2023 theme is “Community over Commercialism”. Research organizations both within Norway and abroad have many online events planned.
Visit the international Open Access Week webpage (

Below you find each event listed with links to the event pages. There is no registration, the events are open, some in English some in Norwegian.

Slides are shared in the Zenodo community Open Access Week 2023 Norway


Monday 23rd October

10:00–11:30: Bærekraftig publisering etter 2024 (

Tuesday 24th October

14:00–15:00: Panelsamtale om diamant åpen tilgang og norsk som fagspråk (

Thursday 26th October

10:00–11:30: Demystifying Research Data Management – what do you need to know when you start RDM-ing in Norway? (

12:00–13:00: What are reproducibility networks? Open Science Lunch

Friday 27th October

10:00–11:30: Ethical dilemmas in Open Data (

Tags: Open Access Week, open science, open research, FAIR
Published Sep. 22, 2023 10:57 AM - Last modified Nov. 3, 2023 10:55 AM