Using historical data in the Digital Archives

A poster displaying the name of the workshop beside a picture of a young man using a computer.


The Digital Archives (Digitalarkivet) is the National Archives' platform for access to historical data from all sectors of Norwegian society, with data as far back as the Middle Ages. In this workshop, researchers will learn how they can best utilize this rich data source and which tools are available for researchers.

Learning outcomes

  • Introduction to the use of Digital Archives for historical data storage and access.
  • Overview of the types of data housed within the Digital Archives.
  • Exploration of key tools and services available to researchers within the Digital Archives.



Target audience

Researchers wishing to use historical data in their research

Required Materials

Bring your own laptop. 


Published Oct. 24, 2023 4:56 PM - Last modified Feb. 2, 2024 12:41 PM