FAIR: More Than Just a Buzzword – A Framework for Data Excellence

Learn to make your research work more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) using ROHub, an online and free Research Objects Management Platform.

A poster displaying the name of the workshop beside a picture of a young man using a computer.


Join our workshop to learn about the FAIR principles and get to know ROHub, a platform tailored for Research Objects (ROs). With ROHub, you can manage, share, and preserve your research materials more efficiently. It even has a built-in tool to guide you in improving the quality of your research. We'll walk you through real-world examples of how FAIR and ROHub can benefit you. Key points: ROHub organizes your research into one accessible spot, making it easier to manage. Plus, it uses clear labels so both you and computers can make sense of your work.


  • Introduction to the FAIR principles and how we can put them in practice.- Introduction to RoHub: Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of RoHub's capabilities and how it facilitates collaborative research.
  • RO Model Exploration: The workshop delves into the Research Object model, explaining how RoHub adheres to its principles.
  • Hands-On session: Attendees will have the opportunity to explore and experience for themselves RoHub's features through practical demonstrations.
  • Collaborative Research: The workshop emphasises the benefits of collaborative research and how RoHub can speed it up.
  • FAIR Principles: Discussion on how RoHub aligns with the FAIR principles, ensuring research work is easily discoverable, accessible, and reusable.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the FAIR principles and how to interpret them to put them in practice.- Get a better understanding of the concept of FAIR Digital Objects (FDOs) and Research Objects (RO-Crate).
  • Get to know ROHub (an online and freely available Research Object Management Platform).
  • Be able to explore existing Research Objects in ROHub.
  • Understand how to use the ROHub's integrated FAIR assessment tool to check the FAIRness of your Research Objects and guide end-users to improve the FAIRness of their own research work.
  • Understand how to create ROs and their lifecycle (live ROs, snapshots, archives) when aggregating diverse research artefacts.By the end of this workshop, you will understand the capabilities of Research Objects and how to harness them for more effective research management and collaboration, and for increasing the FAIRness of your research outputs e.g. data, software, workflows, etc.


You do not need to be familiar with the FAIR principles prior to the workshop. This workshop is hands-on and attendees who need to make their data, software and/or workflows FAIR will most benefit from this workshop.

Target audience

This workshop is designed for researchers, research engineers, and research software engineers who want to learn how to apply the FAIR principles in practice to their research artefacts, including data, software, and workflows.

Required Materials

You need to bring your laptop with a modern browser and good humour!

Published Oct. 24, 2023 6:14 PM - Last modified Feb. 2, 2024 12:44 PM