
Time and place: , University of Oslo, Blindern, Georg Sverdrups Hus, DSC

In this data mangers network meeting, we invite you for discussions and reflection on our own profession, i.e. data steward. According to some the fastest growing job.  At this meeting, we invite you to share what you do and learn what others do in their work. The aim is to move one step closer to finding out from each others' experiences about what the profession of a data steward/manager entails.

Time and place: , University of Oslo, Blindern, Georg Sverdrups Hus, DSC

An Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) is a software tool created to replace a paper lab notebook. In an ELN you can enter protocols, observations, notes, and other data using your computer or mobile device. In this data managers network meeting, we invite researchers with experience using ELN-tools to learn about how these are useful as tools for documenting the research process.

Time and place: , University of Oslo, Blindern, Georg Sverdrups Hus, DSC

How can data from Wikipedia and Wikidata be used to enrich metadata? In this data mangers network meeting we have three guests who will talk about the potential, possibilities and challenges with using Wikpedia data.  

Time and place: , Natualy History Museum at Tøyen, Brøgger's House, Library

A FAIR Digital Objects are defined as a bit sequences with persistent identifiers (pid), metadata and type.  In this Data Managers Network meeting we will here more about what FAIR Digital Objects might be and how to structure data as FAIR Digital Objects.

Time and place: , University of Oslo, Blindern, Niels Henrik Abels hus, 1st floor, cafe Deiglig

What are the pros and cons of different general data archives? Which one suits your needs as researcher? In this Data Managers Network meeting UiO researchers will share their experiences with using different general open research data archives.