FAIR Digital Objects

A FAIR Digital Objects are defined as a bit sequences with persistent identifiers (pid), metadata and type.  In this Data Managers Network meeting we will here more about what FAIR Digital Objects might be and how to structure data as FAIR Digital Objects.

Illustration with Data managers network written and a brain

Illustrasjonsfoto: Colourbox


09:00 – Coffee is served

09:15 – Welcome

09:20 – Introduction to FAIR Digital Object concepts, Carrie Andrew, NHM and BioDT

09:40 RO-Crates for software and models (using the BioDT project as a template), Julian Lopes Gordillo, Natualis NL (zoom) Unfortunately Julian is not able to present, Federico Bianchini will present slides from RO-crate. 

10:00RELIANCE project and ROHub, Anne Fouilloux, Simula

10:20 – Discussion amongst presenters on how Research objects are relevant in data management workflow..

10:40 – Discussions, questions and knowledge exchange 

About the data managers network meetings 

UiO Data Managers Network is an informal network for research data managers affiliated with the University of Oslo. The network aims to enable information exchange, initiate action, and create new interdisciplinary collaborations through sharing of cases and examples of data management practices.

The UiO Data managers network organises regular meetings for the members and open to others who are interested where different topics related to data management practices are addressed.

Learn more on how to join the UiO Data Managers Network

Published Sep. 29, 2023 2:52 PM - Last modified Dec. 7, 2023 2:35 PM