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Medical library - Page 3

Time and place: , DSC-Oasen, Georg Sverdrups hus

Is it difficult to set aside time to write? The Academic Writing Centre organsises structured writing sessions for PhDs and Postdocs.

Time and place: , DSC-Oasen, Georg Sverdrups hus

Is it difficult to set aside time to write? The Academic Writing Centre organsises structured writing sessions for PhDs and Postdocs.

Time and place: , HumSam-biblioteket i Georg Sverdrups hus

This month in the PPBC: Unlock the Secrets of Successful Literature Searches!

Time and place: , DSC-Oasen, Georg Sverdrups hus

Is it difficult to set aside time to write? The Academic Writing Centre organsises structured writing sessions for PhDs and Postdocs.

Time and place: , DSC-Oasen, HumSam library, Georg Sverdrups hus

Is it difficult to set aside time to write? The Academic Writing Centre organsises structured writing sessions for doctoral students.

Time and place: , DSC-Oasen, HumSam library, Georg Sverdrups hus

Is it difficult to set aside time to write? The Academic Writing Centre organsises structured writing sessions for doctoral students.

Time and place: , Escape Bar

UiODoc invites all members to our next social event: a Norwegian folk-dancing fiesta & dinner!

As we are reaching the end of the academic year, we are excited to invite you to our upcoming gathering with fun activities and delicious food.

Time and place: , DSC-Oasen, HumSam library, Georg Sverdrups hus

Is it difficult to set aside time to write? The Academic Writing Centre organsises structured writing sessions for doctoral students.

Time and place: , Scene HumSam, Georg Sverdrups hus

Learn how some of the European university alliances are working to develop opportunities for students and staff. Perhaps you will be inspired to contribute with offers to our own alliance, Circle U.?

Time and place: , Hybrid: Georg Sverdrups hus and Zoom

Learn about how you can retain the rights to your published work with the new Rights Retention Policy at UiO.

Time and place: , HumSam-biblioteket i Georg Sverdrups hus

This month in the PPBC: Learn all about the writing process, story telling, and information flow in your texts!

Time and place: , University of Oslo

The University of Oslo invites Circle U. colleagues to a Staff Training Week focusing on educational cooperation, 22nd to 25th May 2023.

Time and place: , DSC-Oasen, HumSam library, Georg Sverdrups hus

Is it difficult to set aside time to write? The Academic Writing Centre organsises structured writing sessions for doctoral students.

Time and place: , U1 bar-cafe

On the 10th of May 2023 , UiODoc will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM). We welcome all PhDs and postdocs at the University of Oslo to attend the meeting to learn more about UiODoc's work, have your say about our agenda, bring up anything for discussion, to get involved with our activities or simply to enjoy your afternoon with colleagues and good food.

Time and place: , Ole Johan Dahls hus - 5 floor - informatikksalen

Welcome to the Life Science Writing Club & IFI PhD Writing Club! Join in for a chance to meet other researchers in the life sciences - and get some writing done!

Time and place: , DSC-Oasen, HumSam library, Georg Sverdrups hus

Is it difficult to set aside time to write? The Academic Writing Centre organsises structured writing sessions for doctoral students.

Time and place: , The Science Library, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus

Welcome to a sci-fi evening with quiz and film screening of "E.T" in the library.

Time and place: , Hybrid: Georg Sverdrups hus and Zoom

Join us for a discussion on using, maintaining and contributing to freely available open knowledge resources.

Time and place: , HumSam-biblioteket i Georg Sverdrups hus

Imposter syndrome probably affects most of us, and can seriously affect our mental health, confidence, and happiness. This talk by Hugo de Boer aims to analyse and relativise imposter syndrome, as well as provide insights to mitigate its effects.

Time and place: , Ole Johan Dahls hus - 5 floor - informatikksalen

Welcome to the Life Science Writing Club & IFI PhD Writing Club! Join in for a chance to meet other researchers in the life sciences - and get some writing done!

Time and place: , DSC-Oasen, HumSam library, Georg Sverdrups hus

Is it difficult to set aside time to write? The Academic Writing Centre organsises structured writing sessions for doctoral students.

Time and place: , DSC-Oasen, HumSam library, Georg Sverdrups hus

Is it difficult to set aside time to write? The Academic Writing Centre organsises structured writing sessions for doctoral students.

Time and place: , Hybrid: Georg Sverdrups hus and Zoom

Join us for a discussion on how open source tools can enable automated, reproducible and scalable public health reporting.

Time and place: , HumSam-biblioteket i Georg Sverdrups hus

This month in the PPBC: Social innovation, how to do good to society and humanity.

Time and place: , Informatics Library in Ole Johan Dahls hus

Welcome to the Life Science Writing Club & IFI PhD Writing Club! Join in for a chance to meet other researchers in the life sciences - and get some writing done! This week we are happy to have a presentation from the Norwegian company Keenious.