Registered Reports: Publish regardless of the result

Join us for this Open Science Lunch to hear from researchers and funders on the Registered Reports publishing format

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About the topic

More and more researchers across disciplines are pre-registering their hypotheses, methods, and analysis plans before they collect or analyze the data. Preregistration motivates researchers to think more carefully about research designs, prompts researchers to commit, before data collection, to an analytical pipeline, helps prevent some of the most common questionable research practices, and increases research transparency and visibility.

In the Registered Reports publishing format, preregistration is submitted to a journal and, if/once accepted after peer review, it receives in-principle acceptance. This means that regardless of the results of the study, the authors have preliminary acceptance of their work in the journal they wish to publish.

In this seminar, we will hear from Jan-Ole Hesselberg from Stiftelsen Dam, a research funder institution that recently introduced a new funding mechanism for Registered Reports in Norway. We will also hear from prof. Julien Mayor from University of Oslo about a researcher’s perspective on working with Registered Reports. Grab your matpakke and join us for the presentations from our special guests and for an open Q&A session afterwards!

Presentation slides from Stiftelsen Dam

Presentation slides from prof. Julien Mayor

How to join

The event is open to everybody and you can join online on Zoom (Zoom link here). 

About Open Science Lunch

Each last Thursday of the month at 12.00 we invite you to join us an open lunch to hear about how to make your research more open. We will discuss research transparency and visibility, open publishing, data sharing, and more! After each short presentation we will have a Q&A session, where you can ask questions or try yourself some of the tools and solutions we will present!

More Open Science Lunch events


The seminar series is a collaboration between BOTT Universities in Norway: University of Bergen, University of Oslo, Norwegian University of Science and Technology and UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Published Jan. 4, 2024 11:57 AM - Last modified Jan. 30, 2024 5:55 PM