Digital Humanities in Norway - Looking back, and taking a (big?) step forward?

On the occasion of celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Oslo Digital Humanities Research Network, the University of Oslo Library, together with the new National Network for Digital Humanities and Culture Organization (DHKO), will arrange a conference to discuss the status quo of Digital Humanities in Norway critically and determine the role cultural heritage organizations play in shaping its future.

Bilde med tekst: Keynote: Sally Chambers "Collections as Data".

We have the pleasure of inviting you to a one-day conference combining the celebration of DH Oslo 10 years and the establishment of the new National Network for Digital Humanities and Culture Organization (DHKO). The conference will be held in Oslo and concludes with a keynote from Sally Chambers, Digital Humanities Research Coordinator at Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities.

It will be possible to join via Zoom for those who cannot participate on-site.

Take a look at the conference program on the DHKO website.

The event will be held in English unless otherwise specified.

The conference is directed at researchers, academics, and people who work with digital humanities in culture organizations (i.e., archives, libraries, and museums). We also welcome master students interested in this theme to register.

Registration for the conference

Deadline for online participation: October 23rd.


We encourage physical attendance, but the conference will be hybrid to ensure that as many can participate. We'd like to encourage you to share this event widely with everyone you think could be interested in joining the conference or the network.

More information about the DHKO network

The website (work in progress) for DHKO is live at We also have a Slack workspace. If you want to join the pre-talks and stay updated, please e-mail Camilla Holm Soelseth at, and you will get a Slack invite.

We look forward to meeting you in October 2023!

Annika (University of Oslo Library) & Camilla (Department of Archivistics, Library, and Information Science at OsloMet)



Humanities and Social Sciences Library, Norsk nettverk for digital humaniora og kulturorganisasjon (DHKO) and Department of Archivistics, Library and Information Science, OsloMet
Published Aug. 21, 2023 11:44 AM - Last modified Oct. 23, 2023 10:29 AM