Shut Up & Write at the Theological Library

«Shut Up & Write» is a popular concept designed to encourage focused writing. We alternate between intensive sessions of individual work in silence, and breaks. Open to all students and staff at UiO.

Lap top, glasses, pen and paper on a desk

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

The format is intended to promote writing flow, inspiration and creativity.

Please avoid arriving or leaving during the writing sessions, and use the breaks if you have to arrive late or leave early. It is preferred that you join the event from the beginning.

Feel free to use the writing sessions to do other individual, silent work than writing, such as reading or thinking.


13:00–13:15: We write down or share our personal goals for the day

13:15–14:00: Writing/working individually in silence

14:00–14:15: Break

14:15–15:00: Writing/working individually in silence

15:00–15:15: Break

15:15–16:00: Writing/working individually in silence


Published Oct. 10, 2023 5:03 PM - Last modified Oct. 10, 2023 5:03 PM