Shut up & write - digital meetup!

Is it difficult to set aside time to write? The Academic Writing Centre arranges joint, structured “Shut Up & Write” sessions.

Personer som sitter rundt et bord og jobber med skrivearbeid

You write together with other students for intervals that last 45 minutes, then you have a 15 minute break, and repeat.

The model simply involves writing for 45 minutes, then have a 15 minute break, then writing for 45 minutes and so on. By structuring the time in this way, you achieve (at least) two things: the inspiration to work when others are working, and a good conscience when you take breaks.

Who can take part

Everyone involved in longer writing projects are welcome to participate for one or more sessions. No registration required.

Contact the writing centre for the password for the Zoom event!


Kl. 10.00   Shut up & Write opens. You may define your personal goals for the day (optional).

Kl. 10.15 – 11.00 Writing. While we are writing together, everyone turns off their video and sound.

kl. 11.00 – 11.15 A well-deserved break. When it’s time for a break, the leader of Shut up & Write will notify everyone. You then have time to get more coffee/tea in the kitchen, and may have a conversation with the other participants, check your email, facebook etc.

kl. 11.15 – 12.00 We start writing again… (You may stay for as many intervalls as you wish)


«Writing» is not restricted to writing only, but can also include things like thinking or reading. The idea is to alternate between working intensively and taking breaks together.

If you want to leave or enter the room, you may do so in the breaks.

Published May 13, 2022 2:00 PM