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Time and place: , DSC Oasen

Inspired by the popular «Shut Up & Write» we invite participants to sit down with us and answer the BærUt! survey together. 

Time and place: , DSC Oasen

Welcome to the first BærUt! network-mingle of the semester. 

Time and place: , DSC Oasen

Welcome to a BærUt! network-mingle.

Time and place: , DSC Oasen

Welcome to a BærUt! network-mingle.


Time and place: , NB: postponed to Autumn semester

A half-day hands-on workshop providing a technical introduction to deep-learning-based handwritten text recognition (HTR).

Time and place: , NB: postponed to Autumn semester

A half-day hands-on workshop providing an introduction to automatic text recognition using the tool set Loghi.

Time and place: , DSC Oasen

Inspired by the popular «Shut Up & Write» we invite participants to sit down with us and answer the BærUt! survey together. 

Time and place: , NB: postponed to Autumn semester

Raphaela Heil will present her recently defended PhD thesis in computer science, developing handwritten text recognition models to transcribe and "translate" the shorthand manuscripts of Swedish children's book author Astrid Lindgren. 

Time and place: , DSC Oasen

Welcome to a BærUt! network-mingle.

Time and place: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, undervisningsrom 209

The BærUt! network invites you to a workshop on CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM), a model which aims to provide an information standard that cultural heritage institutions can use to describe their collections and improve information sharing between institutions.

Time and place: , DSC Oasen

Join us for an inspiring seminar where we ask project leaders, philologists & textual scholars and developers to delve into the status quo of sustainable digital scholarly editions. 

Time and place: , DSC Oasen

Welcome to our first open session BærUt! network-mingle.

Time and place: , DSC-Oasen, Georg Sverdrups hus

We cordially invite you to the Launch Seminar for the newly established skills hub and research network BærUt! Sustainable Digital Scholarly Editions!