"404 not found" Approaches to Sustainable Editions

Join us for an inspiring seminar where we ask project leaders, philologists & textual scholars and developers to delve into the status quo of sustainable digital scholarly editions. 



We invite you to join the BærUt! skills hub and network for sustainable digital scholarly editions for a seminar filled with short presentations where project leaders, philologists & textual scholars, and developers reflect on approaches, knowledge gaps, challenges and obstacles related to the topics of data modelling, systems and interfaces, philological and textological foundations and their relation to sustainability and long-term preservation of digital editions. 

Target audience

We invite researchers, project leaders, digital philologists & textual scholars and developers, as well as Deans of Faculties, Department Leaders, University IT and the University Library, to join us to problematizing sustainable and long-term solutions within digital humanities. 


Tuesday, 9th of April

09:30 Introduction by Federico Aurora

Presentation by Patrick Helling (University of Cologne): Strategies for Ensuring Sustainable Management of Digital Scholarly Editions

10:30 Break

Lightning Talks I

  • Nina Marie Evensen (University of Oslo, Centre for Ibsen Studies): The Ibsen Edition: Henrik Ibsens skrifter
  • Hugo Lundhaug (University of Oslo, Faculty of Theology): APOCRYPHA and TInTraMaC
  • Elisabeth Maria Magin (University of Oslo, Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History): From Stick to Screen: Digital Editions of Runic Inscriptions as Research Tools
  • Alessandro Palumbo (University of Oslo, Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies): XML annotation of runic and Latin inscriptions from medieval Scandinavia
12:00 Lunch

Lightning Talks II

  • Mette Gismerøy Ekker (The National Archives of Norway): Digital kildeutgivelse på Digitalarkivet
  • Federico Aurora (University of Oslo, University Library): Towards a Sustainable Digital Edition of the Mycenaean Corpus
  • Line Nybakk Akerholt (University of Oslo, University Library): Nye og eksisterende digitale utgaver og nye digitale katalogsystemer – to ville hester vi må ri inn samtidig?  
13:45 Break
14:00 Plenary discussion


We will serve lunch, hot and cold beverages & nibbles.

Dinner Tuesday, 9th of April. 

After the seminar BærUt! will hold a dinner for those who want to keep the discussion going. Note, BærUt! covers expenses for presenters only, but do feel free to join.

Register here.

About BærUt!

BærUt! is a competence hub and network at the University of Oslo for promoting digital scholarly editions (DSEs). Our ambition is to consolidate expertise and knowledge in the field, gather researchers and practitioners, and, in the long run, create the foundation for a common platform for digital editions. We work closely with researchers, developers, and cultural institutions to digitize historical and cultural text documents and ensure these resources are accessible and useful for academic use.

You can read more about BærUt! here.

Published Jan. 30, 2024 1:35 PM - Last modified June 6, 2024 6:42 PM