
ReproducibiliTea is a global journal club initiative that focuses on discussing papers and ideas about improving science, reproducibility and open research. Our local ReproducibiliTea at the University of Oslo is open to both staff and students at UiO across all departments.


Our mission is to provide an informal and friendly platform for discussions about open and reproducible research and meta-scientific topics and to help each other get familiarized with open science practices.

Before each meeting, we read an article on meta-scientific topics, which we then discuss during the meeting. At each meeting, a different discussion leader will begin by providing a short overview of the paper and facilitate discussion throughout the meeting. Anyone can propose a possible paper or topic to present if we have not covered it already.

Join us

Everyone is welcome to join us - whether you are an enthusiast of open and reproducible research, a skeptic, or a cautious explorer. Currently, all meetings are hybrid with the possibility of joining on-site at Digital Scholarship Center (Georg Sverdrups hus, 1st floor, DSC Oasen) or via Zoom. Grab a cup of tea (coffee?) and join us!

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ReproducibiliTea in the news!

Chronicle about Norwegian Reproducibility Network (NORRN) in Forskerforum that describes ReproducibiliTea Journal Clubs' initiative in Norway: "Fram for troverdig forskning"

Forskningspolitikk piece on the dilemmas of practicing Open Science for junior researchers that mentions the first ReproducibiliTea Journal Club in Norway.

Image may contain: Rectangle, Font, Electric blue, Circle, Symbol.

Meeting Times Spring 2024

Date Time Topic
Monday 12.02 14.00-15.00  Freakonomics Radio series on academic fraud: Why Is There So Much Fraud in Academia? and Can Academic Fraud Be Stopped?
Monday 11.03 14.00-15.00

Willroth EC, Atherton OE (2024) Best Laid Plans: A Guide to Reporting Preregistration Deviations

Monday 15.04 14.00-15.00

Hämäläinen et al (2023) Evaluating Large Language Models in Generating Synthetic HCI Research Data: a Case Study

Monday 13.05 14.00-15.00 Transparent pilot study reporting


Coordination and facilitation of the UiO ReproducibiliTea are done by Agata Bochynska from the Oslo University Library and Timo Roettger from the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies.

Questions regarding ReproducibiliTea can be addressed to