The Library A-Z

Information about the library services and collections for ISS-students using the Library of Humanities and Social Sciences in Georg Sverdrups hus.

Architecture and decoration

The building that houses the Humanities and Social Sciences Library is named after Georg Sverdrup, the founder and first library director of the University of Oslo Library. Drawn by Are Telje of the former Telje-Torp-Aasen architectural firm, the building was completed in September 1999.

Book collections

The open stacks are arranged in subject order by Dewey Decimal Classification:

Generalities – level 2
Philosophy – level 3
Psychology – level 2
Theology – level 3
Social Sciences, Education – level 2
Languages – level 3 and 4
Natural sciences, Mathematics – level 2
Applied sciences, Medicine – level 2
Arts – level 3
Literature – level 3 and 4
Geography, History – level 2
000 - 999
Classics and oriental subjects - level 4 

The Fiction collection is on level U/-1 in open stacks with code S-Litt in Oria.
Volumes from the closed stacks can be ordered through Oria.


Borrowing period is 1 week. Please note that other ISS students are waiting to use the same books as you, so please return your loans as soon as possible.

Please be aware of the library regulations for ISS-students.

Circulation desk

The Circulation desk is on level 1.

Closed Stacks: Ordering

Most of the library’s older collections are kept in closed stacks. You can order through Oria for pick up at the circulation desk. Delivery time: the next day after 2 pm. Requests on Friday will be delevered on Monday after 2 pm.



Photocopiers are available in separate cubicles on level 1, 2,3 and 4. 


Food and beverage

The coffee bar, Kafé Sverdrup, is outside the library, on level 2.



Internet access is available. 


Interlibrary loans

Interlibrary loans are not available for International Summer School Students.

Laptop computers

Internet connection for wireless laptop computers on all levels.

Library cards

You don't need to register to use the library, only if you want to check out books. Your ISS-card is your library card.

Logging on in the Library

You are required to logon to a computer with your UiO username and password in order to access electronic resources at the University Library, such as databases, full text journals, printers, e-mail etc. 

Newspaper collection

The newspaper reading area is on level 1. Some back issues are available.

Opening hours

Opening hours may vary during national holidays and the summer.


Oria is the library catalogue and search engine. Oria contains books, journals and scientific articles.

Our library code is UHS.
Using Oria you can order books from the closed stacks and reserve books which are already on loan.

Reference collections

Collections of reference books, bibliographies, encyclopedias, atlas etc. are on all levels.
Codes in Oria:

Ref1 ... – in closed stacks, place orders in Oria
Ref2 ... – level 2
Ref3 ... – level 3
Ref4 ... – level 4

Reference desks

During summer use the reference desk on level 1.


Any borrowed book not reserved by someone else may be renewed.


You may reserve books through Oria. 


  • Oria – the library catalogue

The library subscribes to a wide range of databases. You will get help with the choice, access and use at the Reference desk.

Self service

Search in the catalogue Oria to find books, journals, scientific articles and other materials. The map button in Oria will show a map of the material's location in the library.
You have to collect the materials directly from the open shelves.
You can check out books on the self service machines in front of the circulation desk.

The library has a self-return machine by the entrance.

Published June 16, 2011 11:30 AM - Last modified July 3, 2024 5:38 PM