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Ethnographic Library in Historical Museum

Photo of the buildling.
Photo: UiO/ Nina Wallin Hansen

Contact us

Opening Hours

Visits to Ethnographic- and Numismatic Library must be arranged in advance via email. 
The staff at KHM can access the library with card and code during the buildings opening hours


Frederiksgt. 2, 4. et.
0164 Oslo
Entrance through the Historical Museum.

StaffMap  |  More contact information


The collection covers subjects such as ethnography, social anthropology, museum studies, ethnic art, numismatic.

Loans and requests

Do you want to borrow from our collections? Read more about how you can do that in the Ethnographic Library.

Study areas

The library has a small study area, and a PC where you can search in our databases.

Printing and copying

Printing and copying in the library.

Resources by subject