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Visits from the Medical library

Would you like to learn more about literature search, reference handling, Open Access publishing and researcher visibility? We offer custom made courses and presentations tailored to your department or research group.

Please choose from the menu below, or contact us for offers and details:

The presentations can be held in our course room, digitally or we can visit your department.

This service is available to the staff at the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Oslo University Hospital.

1. Making smart use of the library

An introduction to the library's offers and services. Search, borrow, order and find the library's resources in the search portal Oria.

Duration: 15 minutes

2. Efficient searches in PubMed

Learn how PubMed interprets your searches, how to save search strategies and create alerts.

Duration: 15-30 minutes

3. Open Access publishing

A brief introduction to different types of OA publishing, requirements from funders and the University Library's agreements with different publishers.

Duration: 30 minutes

4. Researcher visibility

A brief introduction to h-index, unique researcher identifier ORCID, and NOR-CAM, a new way of assessing researchers. In addition, we will give you tips on using social media to increase your research visibility.

Duration: 30 minutes

5. Find resources for Evidence-Based Practice

Search for best evidence for clinical praktice. Kunnskapspyramiden, UpToDate, Pyramidesøket etc.

Duration: 30-60 minutes

6. EndNote

A short introduction to the practical use of the reference management tool EndNote.

Duration: 30-60 minutes

7. Zotero

A short introduction to the practical use of the reference management tool Zotero. (Only for staff at the university, unfortunately not available at the hospital.)

Duration: 30-60 minutes

Published July 14, 2017 12:26 PM - Last modified Mar. 23, 2023 1:10 PM