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Subject page for physics

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Selected resources

Web of science (Thomson Reuters)
Multidisiplinary reference- and citation database. Large overlap with Scopus in both content and functionality, but Web of Science still has better coverage back in time.

IEEE Xplore
IEEE Explore contains fulltext articles, e-books and conference proceedings from IEEE, IET, IBM and VDE Verlag, in addition to IEEE Standards Dictionary. Covers applied physics and computing with a special focus on electrical engineering.

Scopus (Elsevier)
Multidisiplinary reference- and citation database started in 2004. Large overlap with Web of Science in both content and functionality, but Scopus contains a greater number of entries. (1991-)
Arxiv is an open access electronic archive for articles and preprints within physics, mathematics, computer technology etc. Particularly strong in theoretical physics.

Google scholar
Search engine for scientific information. See Fulltext@UBO for accessing articles or to order a copy.


New physics books


The tablet app BrowZine is a virtual version of the journal shelf, where you can browse the newest journals the University Library subscribes to from a large number of publishers. It's available both for tablets (iPad, Android and Kindle Fire) and as a desktop version. Some journals also include preprints. 

Recommended journals:

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LaTeX and bibliography management

Reference management

Do you have many references to keep track of? A reference management software can help you stay organized. You'll save time not having to find the same paper twice and avoid mistakes from manually entering references. We have made guides for both EndNote and Zotero.

Zotero courses

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Endnote courses

12:15 PM, Læringsoasen, Georg Sverdrups hus
9:15 AM, Læringsoasen, Georg Sverdrups hus
9:15 AM, Læringsoasen, Georg Sverdrups hus

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