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Subject page for psychology

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Selected resources

Database in psychology produced by American Psychological Association (APA). Mainly articles, but also books, book chapters and dissertations.

MEDLINE (equivalent to PubMed)
Medical database with the detailed subject heading system MeSH.

Google Scholar
Search engine for scientific articles.

Web of Science
Cross-diciplinary database with references to articles and books. Citation search and journals' impact factor are found in Journal Citation Reports

Mental Measurement Yearbook with Tests in Print Test reviews. Tests in Print offers an overview of all available psychological tests in English.

New books

  • Nye bøker i psykologi Jan. 18, 2017

    RSS-feeden viser nye bøker i papirformat

    Klikk på tittelen for å se boken i Oria. (Høyreklikk for å åpne siden i en ny fane).


Journals can be found in print and electronically by searching on title through Oria. See also:

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