Resources for library course spring semester 2021

Here you will find resources that have been recommended or used in library and search courses for Political Science, Sociology and Human Geography. This page is made as a support for the digital teaching. You can read through each section before going to the links below.

Padlet at the Library Course

HGO 4090: Use this link The password is "Password" 


Finding literature

Our catalog, Oria, is a good starting point for finding literature. You may search broadly in the first instance, and then delimit according to the facets  the right menu. You may also try an Advanced search. From Oria you can choose to search for a book, a database or an e-journal. You will find a top menu, which is black, and contains different categories of resources. Use this.

Oria Log on in the top right corner, and choose your language

Advanced search in Oria


The subject library pages

When you want to get an overview of resources for your subject, you may use the subject pages. Check out the url below to get an overview of content suitable for your subjects: Find databases, recommended literature and good sources within your subject area. When your physical location is off campus, the best access to these databases will often be through searching them up from the relevant points in the catalog Oria. The reason is then the starting point for your access will be from the feide login, and you will get the access that UiO har provided you. All the different subject pages are intended to provide an updated overview of resources that your university library has in subscription, or that have been purchased. When searching, you may use the terms as you usually do, but you may also familiarize yourself with the rules for the use of Boolean operators. Enjoy the video from Lincoln Memorial University, or read handouts about Boolean operators. Once you have learned this, it is recommended that you try out the techniques in several different subject relevant databases. You will find them on the subject page under "Selected resourcess".

Subject pages: all the different subject pages gather the resources that are considered important for the respective subjects.

Video from Lincoln Memorial University: on Boolean operators.

Handouts on Boolean operators

Humord - searching with keywords (norwegian)

Subject page for human geography: here you will always find the category "Selected resources" first.


How do I search literature like a professional?

If you study the different steps in the book pyramid, you can decide which resource to go for. You will see that you can go to very different websites, depending on whether you are going to find reference works such as a dictionary, or another subject specific online resource (= choose a database from the top menu in oria). You may need a book from the syllabus. Then it may be natural to make a title search in Oria. If you want an article from the Norwegian social science research community, it is natural to go to the IDUNN database. Remember that you get the best possible access, by checking that you are logged in with the institutional Feide ID. The best starting point for any search is to start by logging into the Oria directory. The book pyramid's pink cloud, refers to news archives and statistical resources. Here you have a different starting point than if you only run a single book search. When you look at the image under statistical resources, note that this static image is an illustration of a field that you will find if you scroll down a little on UB's subject page for Political Science. You may want to follow this under-category over time. Resources that are not used much can be canceled. The library has access to various tools that register how much or how little a resource is used by the institution's patrons. Sometimes we may subscribe to new resources, and then the information on the subject page will be updated.

The Book Pyramid

Reference works: an overview page - in Norwegian

Online resources for Human Geography: Equivalent to "Book trolley" on the worksheets.

IDUNN database: Social science from Norwegian researchers. Norwegian language.

News archives: news in subscription at the University Library in Oslo

Statistical resources - this is an image to a sub category of the Subject Library page for Political Science. Go to real page, and scroll down for further information.

UB's subject page for political science (scroll to "Statistics")


Writing and Reference Lists

UB has resources for writing, referencing and publishing. When writing an academic text, it is expected that you refer to your sources through a reference list. You will find a simple recipe for setting up an author date or a footnote style. You can also use a reference management tool such as Endnote or Zotero, if you want to digitize your reference management.

Writing, referencing and publishing: note that UB has its own Academic Writing Center, with employees who can supervise in academic writing

Harvard style of reference: Pdf

Reference tools : You have access to Endnote because UiO has purchased access to its students and employees. Zotero is free software and you do not need a license.. However, UiO has paid for extended storage for its own users. Your choice of reference management tools depends on the amount of data, and other factors that characterize your needs.


Tasks and maintenance of the library's resources:

1) I recommend that everyone who wants to become better at searching, practice finding professional resources from all the different steps in the book pyramid. Here you can solve tasks that are suitable for anyone who has completed a basic library course.

2) See the document above, called "Online Resources for Human Grography". Go to the Oria catalog, and try to find the various resources in your library, both in printed and electronic form.

3) If you have problems with access to online and e-resources, contact your subject librarian by email. We can troubleshoot, or the problem can be reported to other departments.

Published Feb. 1, 2021 6:29 PM - Last modified Feb. 2, 2021 9:05 PM