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Subject Page for Education

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Search in scientific databases

ERIC (Ovid)
Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) is an international full-text database on educational research from the United States Department of Education. 

ERIC (ProQuest)

Web of science (Clarivate Analytics)
Cross-disciplinary, international database with a scientific citation indexing service.

Norwegian and Nordic education research journals in full-text, with open access to certain titles.

Education Research Complete 
International database with topics covering all levels of education and nearly all educational research fields.

Scopus (Elsevier)
Cross-disciplinary international database of peer-reviewed articles, books, and conference contributions.

Sociological abstracts (ProQuest)
International database covering sociological literature and related fields, including education.

More Database Options

  • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS). International database for social science and interdisciplinary research.
  • Science Direct Large subscription-based access to a large database. As the journals are grouped into four sections, you may choose the Social Sciences and Humanities- section.
  • Google Scholar - International database that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines, including educational science.
  • Browzine - Easily browsable format for finding current and back issues of scholarly e-journals from multiple publishers and platforms.
  • Factiva gives access to local and global newspapers, newswires, journals and magazines.
  • Dewey Subject Register (use browser to translate subjects to English)

Selected Subject-Specific Encyclopedias and Information Resources

Research Data Management

The Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals

NSD is responsible for registering scientific publishing channels. You can search the register (level 1 and 2 journals) here. By clicking on the journal names you will find the SHERPA /RoMEO-database showing copyright and open access self-archiving policies of academic journals. 

Review of Research

Systematic reviews: A systematic review is an advanced research method summarising available research on a particular topic based on a research question. Researchers or master students at UiO may request research support for systematic literature reviews at the University Library's Search Service for Systematic Reviews. Sites with highly qualified systematic reviews and meta-analyses which summarize and interpret results from different fields of research are to be found at the Campbell Collaboration and Cochrane Library sites. .You may also want to check opengrey for 'Grey Literature' which often include dissertations/theses, conference presentations, unpublished trial data; government publications (e.g. white papers, working papers); policies and procedures.

Sites displaying citation impact in terms of impact factor/journal impact factor, see Scopus/SciVal, Journal Citation Reports and SCImago (SJR). SJR is a measure of scientific influence of scholarly journals that accounts for the number of citations received by a journal.

Klikkbar logo for Søk & Skriv

Search & Write (Søk & Skriv) provides help with searching, 
academic writing and referencing.

Klikkbar logo for PhD on Track

PhD on Track is an online resource for PhD candidates that provides help throughout the process.

logo til akademisk skrivesenter med tre røde striper og tekst i hvitt.

The Academic Writing Centre is open for students and
researchers wishing to develop their own writing.


Library Courses

To help collect, organize, cite, and share research Sources

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Access library resources when you are not on campus.

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