How to conduct a systematic search for a literature review

This is a structured guidance plan for Ph.D. candidates and postdocs engaged in writing a literature review consisting of four meetings. After participating you will be able to conduct systematic literature searches for a literature review.

Who is this for?

The Humanities and Social sciences Library provides a service intended for Ph.D. candidates and postdocs in social sciences, humanities, educational sciences, and theology.


Please contact us directly if you have any questions or would like to participate in this program:

1st meeting: Getting to know each other

1-2 hours.

Ph.D. candidate

  • Presents the project and possible protocol
  • Research question and problem statement
  • Purpose/publication method
  • Example of a similar article from your own field
  • Known studies

University Library

  • Brief presentation of work methods and tools, including systematic approach, logic, methodologies, databases, and online resources
  • Assessment of the need for grey literature and the approach for obtaining it
  • Google Scholar
  • Supplementary methods
  • Citation searches

2nd meeting: Search techniques

2 hours.

University Library

  • Presents a simple yet systematic search strategy from a central database, emphasizing logic, grouping of elements, and systematic technique.
  • Consider the use of subject terms.
  • Presentation of "assignment"
  • Table with subject terms and text words: from a database

Ph.D. candidate

  • Evaluate search results and provide feedback on the search

3rd meeting: Search strategy and adjustment for various databases

2 hours.

University Library

  • Search strategy adjustment
  • Advice on choice of databases 
  • Review of table for subject heading terms
  • Text words
  • Use of proximity operators
  • Testing in relevant database

Ph.D. candidate

  • Search strategy adjustment
  • Include a completed table with subject terms from a database and text words

4th meeting: The next steps

2 hours.

University Library

  • Presentation of strategy for the central database based on result from previous meetings and the candidate's model.
  • Information about deduplication in Endnote or Zotero
  • Exporting and converting the search results
  • Screening tools (Covidence, ASReview)

Ph.D. candidate

  • Questions and clarifications
  • The candidate takes on the responsibility