Norwegian version of this page

Why full text in DUO?

  • Master's theses are an important part of Norwegian basic research.
  • DUO is indexed by Google and Google Scholar among others. 
  • Online publishing is marketing of you as a person to the outside world, such as potential employers - use it!
  • You hold the copyright to your thesis, while the University of Oslo is allowed to make it available in DUO.
  • Are you looking at other theses while you are writing your own? Others would like to see yours too!
  • Your thesis will be stored in DUO Research Archive, and will always be available to you and others through a permanent uri.
  • Research must be disseminatet to be of use - this is the core notion of Open Research.
  • Research communities nationally and internationally can derive advantage of your thesis.
  • DUO uses the international standard OAI (Open Archives Initiative) for the exchange of metadata, and your thesis is retrievable by national and international information services.
  • You can choose to not have your thesis openly available in DUO. Be aware that you then prevent many from reading the thesis: other master's students, potential employers, related research communities.

Mandatory submission

It is mandatory to submit theses to DUO Research Archive, even if you don't want your thesis to be available in full text, or if your thesis has restricted access.

Any questions?

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Published Apr. 12, 2011 10:35 AM - Last modified Apr. 5, 2019 2:41 PM