Norwegian version of this page

Research funders requirements

For employees at the University of Oslo there are two main research financers with requirements pertaining Open Access. The Research Council of Norway and the EU require that publications which report research results which have been funded by them, must be published in open channels.

Plan S (cOAlition S) and the Research Council of Norway

The Research Council of Norway states that the introduction of the requirements in Plan S applies to new applications from 2021.

Articles where the research is funded with funding from the Research Council of Norway, must be published in open journals or made available in open research archives.
Hybrid publishing is permitted if a transitional agreement exists.

The requirement from the Research Council comes in collaboration with the research councils in a number of European countries, the European Commission and the European Research Council (ERC).

More information from the library on Plan S and the Research Council.

The Research Council of Norway

If your project in previous years has been funded by the Research Council of Norway, the following regulations on Open Access apply:

  • All peer reviewed scientific articles, which are based on research partially or fully funded by the Research Council of Norway, must be archived in an open archive. DUO Research Archive at UiO is an open institutional archive. Submit the article through CRIStin.
  • Deadlines for making articles available in open archives after publishing:
    • 6 months for STM-articles (STM: science, technology, medicine)
    • 12 months for SSH-articles (SSH: social sciences, humanities)
  • See UiO's information on NRF applications (in Norwegian)

The EU

If your project is funded by the EU, the following regulations on Open Access apply:

  • A machine readable copy of a published article, or the latest peer reviewed manuscript (postprint) must be deposited in a repository like DUO research archive at UiO. This must be done as soon as possible, and at the latest upon publication.

    • Please note that this step applies even when open access publishing is chosen ("gold" in Open Access or hybrid journal).

  • After depositing your publication, you must ensure Open Access via the chosen repository, and if possible, also with underlying research data.

    • Bibliographic data must be available immediately to ensure that a publication is searchable and retrievable in the repository.

The government

The government’s goal is that all publicly funded Norwegian research articles should be made openly available by 2024, and the government has established guidelines and measures for open access to research articles.
Read the document National goals and guidelines for open access to research articles (PDF)

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Published Dec. 8, 2022 2:20 PM - Last modified Dec. 8, 2022 2:37 PM