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Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) approval

DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals.

What is DOAJ and why is it important?

The DOAJ directory is an overview of peer-reviewed Open Access journals. DOAJ is currently revieweing all journals against stricter criteria than before in order to weed out any predatory journals. The Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers is a good example of a service that uses DOAJ data to verify Open Access-journals. DOAJ recently published more information for journals who are about to start the process: Reapplications: are your journals ready? Are you ready?

Approval process

We have selected a few questions form the new application form. These are either related to OJS (FRITT platform) or other aspects of journal management where UB can provide advice.

Selected questions

8. Platform, Host or Aggregator. Response: OJS

23. What digital archiving policy does the journal use?  Response: No policy in place

This question assesses a journal or publishers plans for long term preservation/archiving of a journal. We will review possible solutions for this througout 2015. Services provided by the National Library of Norway, CLOCKSS or Portico are likely alternatives to be considered.

25. Does the journal allow anyone to crawl the full-text of the journal? Response: Yes

26. Which article identifiers does the journal use? Response: DOI

All FRITT journals have confirmed that they wish to use DOIs. For journals who have not started this yet we suggest waiting with the application until DOIs have been implemented.

27. Does the journal provide, or intend to provide, article level metadata to DOAJ? Response: Yes

This has been done previously for FRITT, and we are planning to start providing data again in 2015. Delivery of article metadata is important as many search service providers uses DOAJ as a source for data. DOAJ data are for example searchable in the University Library's Oria search.

31. Please indicate which formats of full text are available. Response: pdf

In FRITT pdf is currently the only supported format. We will consider supporting other formats in 2015.

43. Does the journal embed or display simple machine-readable CC licensing information in its articles? – In theory yes, we are working on confirming this.

49. With which deposit policy directory does the journal have a registered deposit policy? The response for this question depends on the status of the journal.

Currently only Sherpa/Romeo is relevant for Norwegian journals. This questions considers the author's right to self-archive copies of published articles in services such as DUO.

Any questions?

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Published Feb. 3, 2015 2:27 PM - Last modified July 4, 2023 12:46 PM